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AHAs: What They Can Do For You

Grooming Editor

AHAs: What They Can Do For You

AHAs or Alpha Hydroxy Acids are nowhere near as threatening as they sound! They're simply mild acids used in many skin care products and they can really benefit your skin.

2016-04-10 16:25:35By Vanessa

What Is Rosacea

Grooming Editor

What Is Rosacea

Rosacea is a facial rash that occurs in adult men and women though the exact cause of it is still unknown. We do know, however, that I tends to affect people in the 30s and 40s, especially those with fair-skin, blue eyes and of Celtic origin.

2016-04-05 16:24:22By Vanessa

Banish Blackheads

Grooming Editor

Banish Blackheads

Blackheads - or comedones as they are technically known - are a really common problem that can affect all skin types. However they're particularly problematic for those with oily skin.

2016-03-30 16:22:44By Vanessa

Handling Acne

Grooming Editor

Handling Acne

If you suffer from acne you'll know how distressing this condition can be. About 35% of men will suffer with acne during their teenage years.

2016-03-25 16:21:08By Vanessa

Better Looking Eyes

Grooming Editor

Better Looking Eyes

Your eyes always give the game away. Late nights, smokey atmospheres and years of sun exposure all take their toll on the skin around your eyes and the older you get the harder it is to disguise the damage.

2016-03-20 16:19:02By Vanessa

How To Avoid In-Growing Hairs

Grooming Editor

How To Avoid In-Growing Hairs

If you suffer with ingrowing hairs you know what a - quite literal - pain they can be. Most men will have one or two occasionally but the problems really start when they become infected and swollen.

2016-03-10 16:14:47By Vanessa

Coping With Sensitive Skin

Grooming Editor

Coping With Sensitive Skin

If you suffer from itchy, red or easily irritated skin then don't worry, you're not alone. According to worldwide clinical studies, over 50% of people will report some kind of skin sensitivity in their lifetime.

2016-03-05 16:12:20By Vanessa

Lesson 16: Mastering Moisturiser

Grooming Editor

Lesson 16: Mastering Moisturiser

Moisturisers, as the name suggests, have a simple function - to add moisture to the skin and keep it healthy and hydrated. But they do much more than that...

2016-02-29 16:10:33By Vanessa

Lesson 15: Pre-Date Grooming

Grooming Editor

Lesson 15: Pre-Date Grooming

Deciding on a perfected pre-date grooming routine can be incredibly difficult. Luckily, here at Mankind we're here to do the hard work for you so all you have to do is follow our simple steps and enjoy your date!

2016-02-25 16:09:25By Vanessa

Lesson 14: Ultimate Skin Detox

Grooming Editor

Lesson 14: Ultimate Skin Detox

Daily cleansing with a face wash is the basis of any good grooming routine. Grease and grime can easily build upon the skin during the day, blocking pores and trapping bacteria, so proper cleaning is essential.

2016-02-20 16:08:08By Vanessa