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Labour attacks ‘cosmetic’ Cameron in ‘grooming ad’

Writer and expert14 years ago
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In case you missed it, the The Labour Party (with half the money to spend on the forthcoming election than The Conservatives) launched a novel ad campaign the other day – one where 'the people' get the chance to create a poster. And as an example they used a poster with a bit of a male grooming twist (see left). I must admit, that even I laughed when I saw it but it highlights an interesting point – make-up for men still has a bit of a bad image.

Of course, the poster is a teensy bit disingenuous, given that Gordon Brown’s own make-up tip sheet (which included advice on how to apply the PM’s bronzer and how to conceal facial blemishes) accidentally came to light last year. The fact is that all politicians, male and female, are partial to a touch of slap now and then. It is after all, a profession, where appearances seem to matter more than policies these days.

But you don’t have to be a public servant (and I use the term loosely given the recent expenses scandal) to benefit from a little make-up – we call can. But – and it’s an important but - we need to use it sparingly. Products aimed specifically at men like Clinique’s M Cover Concealer and Menaji’s Anti-Shine Powder are fantastic products to have at your disposal when your skin needs more than a face scrub to get it back into shape.

But it’s all in the usage. My mantra when it comes to make-up for men is ‘little and carefully’. Ideally, only you should know it’s there so practice your technique and follow my Masterclass for a few tips and, if in doubt,  err on the side of caution. After all, being a poster boy isn't always a good thing is it?

Lee, Mankind Grooming Ed

Writer and expert
View Laura's profile
Major fan of scented candles, Make Up brushes and Highlighter. I’m always on the hunt for those Holy Grail products and my dressing table is covered in more beauty products than I like to admit. As an adopted Northerner originally from Brighton, I spend most my days wondering what all this rain is about. My hair isn’t grateful for the move. Currently loving: NIOD Photography Fluid