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Tend Skin is like nothing else on the market. Their expert formulas have proven to be highly effective in eliminating razor bumps, ingrown hairs and shaving rashes. Tend Skin gets to work immediately, removing ingrown hairs and protecting your skin against future shaving problems and now the superb range is available to purchase here at Mankind.

The Tend skin collection contains everything from liquids, deodorants and gels, that individually help target the problems associated with ingrown hairs, foot deodorant, razor burn, ink staining on skin and much more.


Proven to be an effective treatment for issues such as razor bumps and ingrown hairs, the Tend Skin In-Growing Hair Solution on Mankind is all you need to prevent ingrown hairs and soothe the skin from this problem. Razor bumps are created when the growing hairs exit the skin, curl over and burrow into the adjacent skin, creating a foreign body reaction resulting in an unsightly bump. After a while, the inflammation from the hair follicle then creates a red, sore spot on the skin. This in-growing hair solution will protect your skin from ingrown hairs, and help eliminate any redness and soreness.


Providing you with excellent lubrication, the Tend Skin air Shave Gel is all you need for a great shave. As the shave gel doesn't lather, it's effective at reducing friction and makes it less likely that you'll cut or scrape your skin whilst shaving. It also gets to work to minimise ingrowing hairs and razor bumps, leaving your skin smooth, moisturised and revitalised.

You can shop the Tend Skin range here at Mankind.