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Men's haircare brand Hairbond believes that an essential piece of the British fashion phenomenon is the well-styled man; detached and almost egotistically self-confident and cockily assured. Hairbond prides itself on being not just a commodity, but a lifestyle essential, promising to deliver the best quality in haircare and maintain the best possible standards. Using top of the range and innovative formulations and ingredients, this authentic men's hair styling brand helps you achieve the best results when it comes to your hair.


Working to bring you amazing texture to your hair, the Hairbond Shaper Hair Toffee gives your hair a fixed, stable hold that promises to last all day. Designed to provide a strong hold, this Hair Toffee boasts a good-enough-to-eat fragrance of Vanilla Butterscotch Toffee, that will have you attracting all the good attention wherever you go. Working to give your hair the perfect finish, enhance your style and create a salon-perfect look, this Hair Toffee really is a must-have.


If you're looking for a haircare duo that will really make a difference to your hair, look no further than the Hairbond Shampoo & Conditioner Duo from Mankind. Working to give you revitalised, volumous hair with a silky soft texture, this duo radiates an alluring scent of vanilla and pineapple, leaving your hair smelling as good as it feels. Deeply nourishing, this shampoo and conditioner will give your dull, limp hair a new lease of life, no matter what length it is.

You can shop the Hairbond range here at Mankind.