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Dr Lewinn’s at Mankind

Skincare brand Dr Lewinn’s prides itself on creating products to make everybody feel beautiful, whether man or woman. As your skin can be affected by diet, sleep or exercise habits, the range of products are made to look after different skin types and lifestyles.

I Have Incredibly Dry, Dehydrated Skin. What Product Would You Recommend?

Dry and dehydrated skin needs plenty of time to replenish and repair. Dr Lewinn’s Advanced Night Cream will aid restoration and repair during the night whilst you sleep and leave your skin feeling soft and supple. Formulated with antioxidants, visible signs of ageing will be targeted to soften fine lines and wrinkles so you can embrace your complexion with confidence.

Which Product Is Best To Improve The Appearance of Dark Circles?

Packed with an expert blend of cooling, soothing and hydrating ingredients, the Dr Lewinn’s Firming Eye Cream will brighten and rejuvenate your eye area, especially after a restless night. Its fast-absorbing gel formula will improve the appearance of dark circles and dullness for a brightened and younger complexion.